Sunday 7 September 2014


In the past, I was proud and happy to be African, The white men, in their ignorance and selfishness, Condemned our culture, religion and way of life.
However, it was gratifying for me to know that in spite of all the developments and button-pressing which brought almost any service, yet citizens of these so-called developed countries had to seek solace in the forests and slums of Africa, the so-called "Dark Continent". Most of them committed suicide after gaining the world without gaining peace of mind.
The African culture and way of life satisfied one major human need, the need to be wanted, welcomed and recognized. In ancient Africa, to be "African "meant to be "your brother's keeper". Sadly however, to be "African" has a totally different meaning today.
Think of it!
Have you seen a modern African? He is not concerned about what happens to his friends, his employees, his employer and even his country. He simply wants to know what he will gain by any act; he asks what others can do for him and not what he can do for others. He is grasping, wanting only to acquire wealth, money and fame. He is always talking without giving.
Oh! If such a person is a leader, he would stash away his country's money in foreign banks and turn a blind eye to his suffering people. If he is a student, he would want to be the best in his class and would not believe in teamwork.
If he has to take part in any teamwork, he would not want to share the victory with members of the team.
He will want to score alone when engaged in a soccer game
He will be found in all parts of the field, never sticking to his own position.
If he knows about the LAST WORD, he would want only his contribution to be aired all the time, not thinking about others. This, I am afraid, is the modern definition of being African – Self Centeredness!
Simply put, My LASTWORD is that every African must learn to be his brother's keeper shouldn't this be the true meaning of being African

Owoeye Sanmi

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